We send items Internationally as well , Message us for a shipping quote.

At MjTronix, We have been selling parts On eBay for over 10 years with 100% Feedback. Rest Assure that all parts are genuine used or new. We only sell well known and stablished brands. Used parts are taken from ( Tektronix, Agilent, Racal Dana, Marconi, Anritsu, and other test gear coming from UK military

We sell new and old stock and salvaged parts, all of our salvaged parts are tested before shipment to make sure it works, unless other wise marked as not working.

Please feel free to look around. if there is anything in particular your looking for send us an email, we might have it in stock.

MjTronix Test Bench

Here is where equipment are tested and taken apart, From Multimeters to Signal Gens and Oscilloscopes to Anti Static Mat and 10s of Screwdrivers, All help to test and take equipment a part in fastest way.

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Test Kit Assembly And Testing Bench

The journey of Op Amp testers production starts here on the bench. From Bare PCBs to solder paste and component placements and reflow and then the end product tested.

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