Op Amp Performance Comparator

 The idea is to design a stand alone test kit that can compare two op amp against each other in GBWP levels and Offset levels. To perform such task you will need Signal Generator , Oscilloscope and Power Supply. So the idea behind this kit is to combine all and make testing as simple as pressing a button and some form of display to show the result clear and simple.


We want to do this all in analog domain and no micro controllers. With all the chip shortages and industery havoc, its best to design it with easy to find parts. to make it future proof and easily fixable.

 After months of ideas and breadboarding we are now into first PCB revision.



We deciced to add single package op amp tester to rev 1. we made 2 run of the PCB .

After populating the components and runing tests,  Results were that revision 1 had many issues, From AC performance instabilities to power supply noise and layout issues.

Also some of components need to change for better performance and BOM consolidation.


we are now moving to new PCB rev and PCB design modification.


More to follow........